The Kehlsteinhaus perched 2,700 feet over the Oversalzburg complex. It was built as a "gift" to the Fuhrer from Martin Bormann in 1937. In this image taken by Flo Wick in April 1945, the structure can be made out right of center on the rocky ridge. As the first troops to arrive, the 3rd Division's 7th Regiment got as far as the sabotaged elevator and the French forces got to the top where they found thousands of bottles of expensive wine and champagne. Without the elevator, the French used medic litter teams to carry the bottles a short distance to waiting trucks. The Kehsteinhaus was a target of the May 25 air raid, however, the cloud cover saved it from destruction and later it was the potential for tourism that saved it from being destroyed with the other Obersalzburg buildings. As of 2022, it is a popular tourist destination as the last true relic of Hitler's Obersalzburg.
photo: Flo Wick - ARC (identification and information for this section aided by Geoff Warden's Third Reich in Ruins )
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