3rd Signal Co. Photography WWII :: U.S. 3rd Infantry Division
d o g f a c e s o l d i e r
S i t e I n f o
WWII images from five combat
photographers of the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division
surf all sections : ANZIO | ROME | DRAGOON
< Deep Dive: WWII reenactor 2008-2015
There was a crushed shoe box stuffed with war photos in the dusty basement of the house I grew up in. As a young boy, the images were exceptionally shocking and still are. Of course I needed to connect the frozen events in the hundreds of photos with my father and the moment the camera exposed them to film.
As it passed, I would never have my father's direct comment as the photographer about any of these photos. We did not have a relationship where we would have talked together about these photos, and it never happened before he died in 1979. My father spoke little of the war except for a few favorite and remembered stories and his occasional performance of the division song "Dogface Soldier". My mother was very reverent and proud of her war hero story. The photos wrap around all of it and tell a longer version of their war story.
In 2003 my interest in the photos took a more profound direction. While thinking about my Dad's war experience, I had discovered www.warfoto.com, a website developed by Rich Heller, the son of another member of my father's 3rd Division unit. Then in 2004, I found myself on a "Greatest Generation" trip to Washington D. C. with my own family and my mother and sisters for the dedication of the WWII Monument. The inspiration to learn more about the photos and my father's experience in them turned fevered.
With passionate Web searches, and investigation of books, maps, and personal papers, I embarked on a fascinating journey 60 years into the past.
My hope is that this educates and inspires and perhaps shares personal meaning with visitors about war, democracy, commitment, bravery and all that is revealed in these photographs. I dedicate this site to the soldiers of the 3rd Division, past , present, and future plus all dogface soldiers anytime and anywhere.
Denis Toomey
Site Launch : June 6, 2005 (through 2015)
Site Launch : August 15, 2020
Format for small screens : June 6, 2022
Format for desktop enhanced : May 29, 2023
Red Cross Clubmobile section added : May 29, 2023
LAST UPDATE: May 28, 2023
This site was originally posted from 2005-2015. On August 15, 2020, the 76th Anniversary of Operation Dragoon and the 75th anniversary of the Japanese surrender, it was re-posted with additional edits, improved navigation and an addition of over 200 images from the dogfacesoldiers collection, the 163rd Signal Photo Company (that traveled with the Fifth and Seventh Armies with direct attachment to VI and XV corps, the 3rd Infantry Division and the 3rd Signal Company), and the National Archives. On the 78th anniversary of the Normandy landings this site was launched with formatting for small screens. On Memorial Day 2023 the site was reformatted for both small screen and desktop versions and with the gracious assistance of Molly Martin, a full section of photographs of the 3rd Division Clubmobile Program from Rome to the occupation was posted.
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