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3rd Signal Co. Photography WWII  ::  U.S. 3rd Infantry Division


d o g f a c e  s o l d i e r
T h e   D o g f a c e   S o l d i e r

WWII images from five combat
photographers of the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division

surf all sections : ANZIO | ROME | DRAGOON

Dogface Soldier Song - U.S. 3rd Infantry Division WWIICpl. Bert Gold and Lt. Ken Hart, both of Long Beach, New York, co-wrote "Dogface Soldier" in 1942. They wrote the song about common soldiers and when it came to the attention of then 3rd Infantry Division Commander Maj. Gen. Lucian K. Truscott, he had it adopted as the division's song. The song was immensely popular with the 3rd Division soldiers – they sang it, marched to it and danced to it.

"Dogface Soldier" made its public debut in the 1955 Audie Murphy film "To Hell and Back". With over 300,000 copies sold. The song is the most-publicized and well-known song from the war.

"Dogface Soldier"

I Wouldn't Give A Bean / To Be A Fancy Pants Marine, / I'd rather Be A Dogface Soldier Like I Am. / I Wouldn't Trade My Old O.D.'s / For All The Navy's Dungarees / For I'm The Walking Pride Of Uncle Sam; / On All The Posters That I Read / It Says The Army Builds Men / So They're Tearing Me Down To Build Me Over Again / I'm Just A Dogface Soldier / With A Rifle On My Shoulder / And I Eat A Kraut For Breakfast Everyday. / So Feed Me Ammunition, / Keep Me In The 3rd Division, / Your Dogfaced Soldier Boy's Okay.

"Dogface Soldier" is still an important 3rd Division tradition. In the 1980s, the lyrics were altered, changing the breakfast line and rendering the song gender-nonspecific.

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